Nebraska Board of Geologists

Proposed Revisions to the Geologist Regulation Act

The Board of Geologists is considering revisions to the Geologists Regulation Act. While most of the revisions are housekeeping in nature, the most significant changes being proposed are in Sections §§ 81-3539 to 81-3541. These sections are being revised to clarify the requirements for the examinations and licensure and combine all examination, licensure, and temporary permit requirements into one section. The Board is also considering changing the experience requirement from five years to four years for admittance to the PG exam and for licensure to be in accordance with model language which has been adopted by the member boards of the National Association of State Board of Geologists (ASBOG).

Other revisions being considered included, but are not limited to:

  • Deletion of obsolete definitions
  • Re-organization of the board make up and requirements for being a board member
  • Change the word shall to may or will when appropriate
  • Removal of the requirement that the Board file an annual roster of licensees with the Secretary of State
  • Revise language related to the submittal of applications and associated fees
  • Revise language related to renewal notifications to allow for alternate forms of communication
  • Add authority for the Board to pursue disciplinary action against organizations for violations of the Act and Rules and remove the obsolete practice of notifying the clerk of a city or village regarding certain disciplinary actions

All changes can be viewed here. The Board is asking for your input and comments on the revisions. Comments may be sent via email to, via fax to 402-471-0787, by mail to PO Box 94844, Lincoln NE 68509-4844, no later than April 3, 2020. The Board will review all comments at its April 22, 2020, board meeting.

It is the Board’s intention to prepare the revisions for introduction during the 2021 Legislative session.


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