Title 171 of the Nebraska Administrative Code comprises the Board’s Rules and Regulations and enables the Board to administer the Act and cannot exceed the powers assigned to the Board by the Legislature. The latest revisions are effective as of July 1, 2019. To download a copy of the updated Professional Geologists Handbook, which includes these revisions, click here.
State of Nebraska Board of Geologists - Rules and Regulations
NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Geologists will hold a rulemaking hearing on the 15th day of January 2025, commencing at 1:00 pm, 215 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, NE, at the Lincoln Community Foundation Building.
The PURPOSE of the hearing is to take testimony and evidence about the adoption, amendments, and additions to Title 171, Chapter 1. This action is proposed to implement Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-3501 to 81-3541, consistent with the authority granted by the law and with constitutionality. The subject matter of the rulemaking action is as follows:
Amending the fees in Rule 1.4 related application, renewal, and certificate fees to ensure the Board has the funds necessary to carry out its mission effective July 1, 2025.
Removing language related to the Exam Seat Reservation fees in Rules 1.4.1 and 1.4.8, as the Board no longer collects the fee with the move to computer-based exam testing in 2023.
Deleting Rule 1.4.2 related to the first license expiration date after issuance as the Board is modifying its procedure in light of its move to a new database platform.
Revising and clarifying the notification process for name and contact information changes in Rule 1.7. The licensee may change contact information in the new database without contacting the Board. Name changes will require an attestation to be submitted along with a copy of the legal documents supporting the name change.
This hearing is being conducted under the provisions of Section 84-907 R.R.S., 1943, which provides that Draft copies of the proposed rules are available for public examination at the office of the Board of Geologists and the office of the Secretary of State, State Capitol Building, Lincoln, Nebraska. A draft copy of the proposed rules is also available here, and a clean copy of the revisions can be found here.
A complete statement on the fiscal impact for organizations and persons regulated by these regulations can be examined at the office of the Board of Geologists, 215 Centennial Mall South, Ste 400, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508, (402) 471-8383, and at the office of the Secretary of State, Capitol Building, Lincoln, Nebraska.
All interested persons are invited to ATTEND and TESTIFY orally or by written submission at the hearing. Interested persons may also submit written comments prior to the hearing that will be made part of the hearing record at the time of the hearing if received by the Board of Geologists on or before January 8, 2025. If auxiliary aids or reasonable accommodations are needed to participate in the hearing, please call (402) 471-8383 no later than ten days before the hearing. TDD users, please call (800) 833-7352 and ask the relay operator to call us at (402) 471-8383.
DATED at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 4th day of December 2024.
Nancy Mann, Chairperson
Board of Geologists